THIS Is Who Rihanna Was Seen Making Out With

We've all seen the pictures of Rihanna making out in a pool with what appears to be her new boo. However, nobody could figure out who this mystery man is - until now.

If you've been living under a rock, here's the evidence in question:

REJOICE though, because we finally have a name for RiRi's love interest.

This is Hassan Jameel, better known as Saudi Toyota heir, Naomi Campbell's ex-beau, and the deputy president and vice chairman of one of the biggest companies in the world, Abdul Latif Jameel, his family's business. We obviously support this pairing, as Jameel is literal royalty and also just so happens to have a net worth of $1.5 billion. 

Rihanna's friends claim she's absolutely smitten with the businessman, and from what we can see, that's definitely the case. Sources even claim she's said she's in love with him.

Read more about Jameel here!

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